Master Data Management

People, processes, and systems in any organization need the same information. Data flows from early to more complex processes. Since different teams use the data for different purposes, specific application systems are built. The application systems of different purposes typically store the data of various scopes and in various structures and formats.

This leads to challenges in Data Quality and the need for Master Data Management.

As a simple example, let’s imagine you have a Sales system and a separate CRM system. Both systems support different business processes and thus operate on different attributes of personal data. There is a representation of personal data in both systems – the representation in the Sales system covers the attributes related to the ordering and the shipment of products to customers, the representation in the CRM system covers the attributes related to the development of clients from leads or campaign management. Both systems have different or potentially conflicting attributes of the same business-fundamental entity of personal data.

Master Data

Master Data provides the context for Transactional Data:

  • Transactional Data represents “facts” (events) in the real (business) world, for example, a meeting of a sales representative with a customer, a sale or shipment of a product. It is managed by operational systems such as CRM or ERP.
  • Master Data represents “dimensions” referenced by Transactional Data. For example, Customers, Sales representatives, Products or Regions. It is used in the operational systems, with problems of its quality, consistency across systems, and management.

According to the DAMA International, Master Data Management is control over Master Data values to enable consistent, shared, contextual use across systems, of the most accurate, timely, and relevant version of truth about essential business entities.

Golden Data

Golden Data is governed, cleaned, deduplicated, consolidated and a validated version of the Master Data. In the simple example above, it is a common (consolidated) version of personal data, effectively supporting processes on top of the Sales system and the CRM system, sometimes called “the single version of the truth”.

Personal Data Integration

Personal Data Integration is an application of MDM on personal data – e.g., leads, prospects, clients or sales representatives. “Personal Data Integration is a comprehensive set of technology components, services, and business processes that create, maintain, and make available an accurate, timely, integrated, and complete view of “the single version of the truth” (Golden Data) of persons across lines of business, channels, and business partners.”*

Common Drivers
  • Compliance
    • Accurate records due to the single version of the truth
    • Compliance with policies
    • Fraud protection
  • Cost
    • Lower IT Operation costs due to simpler IT environments
    • Lower costs of person-centric and integrational projects
    • Lower costs of acquiring and retaining customers
  • Sales & Marketing
    • Better cross-selling and up-selling due to integrated views
    • Higher effectivity of marketing campaigns
  • Service
    • Smoother service for customers
    • Better support for Customer Intelligence
    • Convincing Customer Experience

how we help

Our team of consultants help clients with consolidation in the domain of personal data, i.e. Personal Data Integration. We design and implement processes and systems for identification of personal records representing a single real person and then creating and propagating a unique representative personal record (Golden Record).

We believe building Master Data Management successfully requires a comprehensive understanding of the client’s situation and needs, a set of proven good practices, and the ability to build and integrate an appropriate system into the client’s organization.

Our service may be either shorter engagement, helping a client to improve his Data Quality of personal data, adversely affected by mishandled Master Data Management, or a longer-term engagement in the design and implementation of a Master Data Management system.

Data Quality Improvement

A one-shot consolidation of data with the goal to identify matching personal records and produce quality merged records to be used instead of the original personal data

Data Migration Realization

When migrating personal data from several data source systems to one or more target systems, it may be beneficial to prepare consolidated personal data before the migration.

Master Person System

A backend system implementing ongoing consolidation of personal data from several data sources and providing such consolidated data to consuming systems (e.g., a CRM)

our approach

Master Person System

The Person Data Entity (hereafter also referred to as “Party”) is key to any business information system, representing individuals (e.g., leads, customers) or legal entities (e.g., suppliers, customers). Master Person System is our solution for Master Data Management for the Party entity. It is not a single compact product but a set of assets we’ve successfully implemented and will apply in future engagements.

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our solutions

Master Data Management Services

Providing services in the areas of strategy development, solution selection support (RFP), analysis, design and implementation of Master Data Management

client story

Master Person System

The goal of the New CRM project was to replace an on-premises CRM with a new cloud solution, which brought with it the need for significant changes across the IT Architecture and the opportunity to modernize the Business Architecture. We provided the analysis, architecture, detailed design, implementation and test support for the person consolidation and consent management components of the project.

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free assessment

* Master Data Management and Customer Data Integration for a Global enterprise, Alex Berson, Larry Dubov